Chapter 5: Retrieval Processes (Part I)


Retrieval refers to the processes through which we recover items from memory (remembering?)

Note: Encoding and storage are necessary to acquire and retain information. But the crucial process in remembering is retrieval, without which we could not access our memories. Unless we retrieve an experience, we do not really remember it. In the broadest sense, retrieval refers to the use of stored information.

Encoding Specificity Principle (ESP)

The encoding specificity principle of memory (Tulving & Thomson, 1973) provides a general theoretical framework for understanding how contextual information affects memory. Specifically, the principle states that memory is improved when information available at encoding is also available at retrieval. For example, the encoding specificity principle would predict that recall for information would be better if subjects were tested in the same room they had studied in versus having studied in one room and tested in a different room (see S.M. Smith, Glenberg, & Bjork, 1978).

When you store something in memory, the memory is not just of the item being organized and stored but also of the context in which the memory occurred. Recall and recognition thus may be triggered by elements of the context being present.

Remembering knowledge is enhanced when conditions at retrieval match those present at encoding. When retrieval cues differ substantially from those present at encoding, an efficient search of memory may be impossible! (Create a richer context for retrieval – Cuing in widest possible range of context/situation – maximum remembering!)

So what?

To get people to remember something, make use of the context in which it happened.

Context Effects

A person’s memory will be best if the testing occurs in same context as the learning.

Environmental Context Effect — refers to anything external in the environment

•   If given a list to learn in one room, will do better on a memory test if in the same room at test

State-dependent Effects — refers to drug states

•   If in a drug state at learning, you will remember better at test if under same drug than if sober

•   Note: you will do best if sober both times

Mood-dependent Effects — refers to mood state

•   If in a particular mood while learning, will do better at test if in the same mood.

There ought to be a link between encoding & retrieval — perhaps good memory is a result of a good link. What leads to good memory? — Memory cues — cues lead to retrieval (e.g., face – name)

Q: So, what makes a retrieval cue effective?

retrieval cue is any stimulus that helps us recall information in long-term memory. The fact that retrieval cues can provoke powerful recollections has led some researchers to speculate that perhaps all memories are permanent. That is, perhaps nearly all experiences are recorded in memory for a lifetime, and all forgetting is due not to the actual loss of memories but to our inability to retrieve them. This idea is an interesting one, but most memory researchers believe it is probably wrong.

Two general principles govern the effectiveness of retrieval cues. One is called the encoding specificity principle. According to this principle, stimuli may act as retrieval cues for an experience if they were encoded with the experience. Pictures, words, sounds, or smells will cause us to remember an experience to the extent that they are similar to the features of the experience that we encoded into memory. For example, the smell of cotton candy may trigger your memory of a specific amusement park because you smelled cotton candy there.

Distinctiveness is another principle that determines the effectiveness of retrieval cues. Suppose a group of people is instructed to study a list of 100 items. Ninety-nine are words, but one item in the middle of the list is a picture of an elephant. If people were given the retrieval cue “Which item was the picture?” almost everyone would remember the elephant. However, suppose another group of people was given a different 100-item list in which the elephant picture appeared in the same position, but all the other items were also pictures of other objects and animals. Now the retrieval cue would not enable people to recall the picture of the elephant because the cue is no longer distinctive. Distinctive cues specify one or a few items of information.

Overt cues such as sights and sounds can clearly induce remembering. But evidence indicates that more subtle cues, such as moods and physiological states, can also influence our ability to recall events.

State-dependent memory refers to the phenomenon in which people can retrieve information better if they are in the same physiological state as when they learned the information. The initial observations that aroused interest in state-dependent memory came from therapists working with alcoholic patients. When sober, patients often could not remember some act they performed when intoxicated. For example, they might put away a paycheck while intoxicated and then forget where they put it. This memory failure is not surprising, because alcohol and other depressant drugs (such as marijuana, sedatives, and even antihistamines) are known to impair learning and memory. However, in the case of the alcoholics, if they got drunk again after a period of abstinence, they sometimes recovered the memory of where the paycheck was. This observation suggested that perhaps drug-induced states function as a retrieval cue.

A number of studies have confirmed this hypothesis. In one typical experiment, volunteers drank an alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverage before studying a list of words. A day later, the same subjects were asked to recall as many of the words as they could, either in the same state as they were in during the learning phase (intoxicated or sober) or in a different state. Not surprisingly, individuals intoxicated during learning but sober during the test did worse at recall than those sober during both phases. In addition, people who studied material sober and then were tested while intoxicated did worse than those sober for both phases. The most interesting finding, however, was that people intoxicated during both the learning and test phase did much better at recall than those who were intoxicated only during learning, showing the effect of state-dependent memory.

When people are in the same state during study and testing, their recall is better than those tested in a different state. However, one should not conclude that alcohol improves memory. As noted, alcohol and other depressant drugs usually impair memory and most other cognitive processes. Those who had alcohol during both phases remembered less than those who were sober during both phases.

Psychologists have also studied the topic of mood-dependent memory. If people are in a sad mood when exposed to information, will they remember it better later if they are in a sad mood when they try to retrieve it? Although experiments testing this idea have produced mixed results, most find evidence for mood-dependent memory.

Mood- and state-dependent memory effects are further examples of the encoding specificity principle. If mood or drug state is encoded as part of the learning experience, then providing this cue during retrieval enhances performance.




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  1. Simple Random Sampling

Individuals are chosen in such a way that each has an equal chance of being selected, and each choice is independent of any other choice. If we wished to draw a sample of 50 individuals from a population of 600 students enrolled in a school, we could place the 600 names in a container, and, blindfolded, draw one name at a time until the sample of 50 was selected. However, this process is cumbersome (burdensome) and is rarely used. A more convenient way of selecting a random sample, so that the individuals can be equated, is by the use of a “table of random numbers.” When a table is used, it is necessary to assign consecutive numbers to each member of the population (from which the sample is to be selected). Then, entering the table at any page, row, or column, the researcher can select the sample from 001 to 999 (three digits); and from 0001 to 9999 (four digits). When a duplicated number or a number larger than the population size is encountered, it is skipped and the process continues until the desired sample size is selected.

*Ask me to demonstrate when you are in your expert group…!!!

  1. Systematic Sampling

Consists of the selection of each nth term from a list. For example, if a sample of 200 were to be selected from a telephone directory with 200,000 listings, one would select the first name by selecting a randomly selected name from a randomly selected page. Then every thousandth name would be selected (200,000/200=1000th) until the sample of 200 names was complete. If the last page were reached before the desired sample size had been selected, the count would continue from the first page of the directory. Systematic sampling, sometimes called interval sampling, means that there is a gap, or interval, between each selection. This method is often used in industry, where an item is selected for testing from a production line (say, every fifteen minutes) to ensure that machines and equipment are working to specification. Alternatively, the manufacturer might decide to select every 20th item on a production line to test for defects and quality. This technique requires the first item to be selected at random as a starting point for testing and, thereafter, every 20th item is chosen. This technique could also be used when questioning people in a sample survey. A market researcher might select every 10th person who enters a particular store, after selecting a person at random as a starting point; or interview occupants of every 5th house in a street, after selecting a house at random as a starting point. It may be that a researcher wants to select a fixed size sample. In this case, it is first necessary to know the whole population size from which the sample is being selected. The appropriate sampling interval, I, is then calculated by dividing population size, N, by required sample size, n, as follows: I = N/n

  1. Stratified Random Sampling

This is possible when the population is subdivided into smaller homogeneous groups, called strata (to get more accurate representation). For example, in an income study of wage earners in a community, a true sample would approximate the same relative number from each socioeconomic level of the whole community. If, in the community the proportion were 15% professional workers, 10% managers, 20% skilled workers, and 55% unskilled workers, the sample should include approximately the same proportions in order to be considered representative. Within each subgroup, a random selection should be used. Thus, for a sample of 100, the researcher would randomly select 15 professional workers from the subpopulation of all professional workers in the community, 10 managers from that subpopulation, and so on. This process gives the researcher a more representative sample than one selected from the entire community, which might be disproportionately weighted by a predominance of unskilled workers. In addition to socioeconomic status, such characteristics as age, sex, extent of formal education, racial origin, religious or political affiliation, or rural-urban residence might provide a basis for choosing a stratified sample (strata).

  1. Area or Cluster Sampling

It is sometimes expensive to spread your sample across the population as a whole. For example, travel can become expensive if you are using interviewers to travel between people spread all over the country. To reduce costs you may choose a cluster sampling technique. This sampling technique is appropriate when, a) the population of interest isinfinite, b) when a list of members of the population does not exist, or, c) when the geographic distribution of the individuals is widely scattered. Let’s say we want to select a sample of all public school elementary teachers in the five largest cities in Thailand(Bangkok, Nakhon Ratchasima, Nonthaburi, Chiang Mai, and Songkhla). A simple random sample would be impractical. From the 5 largest cities, three could be selected. From these three cities, all public elementary schools could be listed and a random sample of 30 (10 from each city) can be selected. From these 30 schools, we can then randomly select 5 teachers in each school. So, our true sample will be – 30 x 5 = 150 elementary school teachers.

Non-probability Sampling

› Those that use whatever subjects are available, rather than following a specific subject selection process

› May produce samples that do not accurately reflect the characteristics of a population

› May lead to unjustifiable generalization and should not be used if random selection is practicable

› Educational researchers, because of administrative limitations in randomly selecting and assigning individuals for a research, often use available classes as samples (e.g.: psychology professor uses students from Introduction to Psychology class as subjects – the results of this study can be generalized only to other similar groups of psychology students)

› So, this kind of sampling may restrict generalizations (generalizable only to similar population)

› Sample made up of volunteers may represent biased sample – volunteers may not necessarily be representative of a total population

  1. Convenience sampling– selection based on the availability of subjects (whomever happens to be available at the time); also known as accidental sampling or haphazard sampling; sampling bias can occur

› Volunteers

› Pre-existing groups

  1. Purposive sampling– selection based on the researcher’s experience and knowledge of the group being sampled; also known as judgment sampling; researcher believes a particular sample is appropriate for his/her study

› Need for clear criteria for describing and defending the sample

› Experience and prior knowledge of the researcher about a particular group (to be used as sample) are essential

› The researcher can be “wrong”

  1. Quota sampling– selection based on the exact characteristics and quotas of subjects in the sample when it is impossible to list all members of the population (e.g.: an interviewer might be told to go out and select 20 adult men and 20 adult women, 10 teenage girls and 10 teenage boys so that they could interview them about their television viewing)

› Data gatherers are given exact characteristics and quotas of persons to be interviewed (e.g.: 35 working women with children under the age of 16, 20 working women with no children under the age of 16, etc.)

› Data are obtained from easily accessible individuals

› Thus, people who are less accessible (more difficult to contact, more reluctant to participate, and so forth) are underrepresented

Qualititative Sampling

Because of the unique characteristics of qualitative research, both random and non-random sampling techniques cannot be used. This calls for alternative sampling strategies for qualitative research.

› In-depth inquiry

› Immersion in the setting

› Importance of context

› Appreciation of participant’s perspectives

› Description of a single setting

A qualitative researcher relies on his/her experience and insight to select participants. There are several types of sampling techniques possible for a qualitative study:

  1. Intensity sampling= compare differences of two or more levels (“extremes”) of the research topic; e.g.: good vs. poor students (two extremes); effective vs. ineffective teachers (two extremes); small vs. medium vs. large size classes (three extremes), experienced vs. inexperienced teachers, etc.
  2. HomogeneousSampling = Subjects chosen by similarity based on a given characteristic
  3. CriterionSampling = Selection of all cases that meet a certain standard
  4. SnowballSampling = Selection of subjects who identify other subjects; one subject gives the researcher the name of another subject, who in turn provides the name of a third, and so on (e.g.: drug dealers, criminals, gay, isolated, etc.)
  5. Random PurposiveSampling = From a purposive sample too large for a study, a random selection is performed

Sample Size?

› Time

› Money

› Access

› Complexity of data analysis


Chapter 4: Encoding (Part II)


Two kinds of learning:

  1. Simple – involves associating terms and acquiring them through rehearsal (e.g. memorizing grocery list, name of capital cities, etc.)
  1. Complex – involves understanding, reasoning, and critical thinking (e.g. digestive processes, chemical reactions, etc.)

Two types of Rehearsal:

  1. Maintenance rehearsal – shallow encoding; direct recycling of information in order to keep it active in STM (verbal repetition); retention is limited in this kind of encoding; highly efficient for a short-while; e.g. taking down someone’s telephone number; seldom last long L
  1. Elaborative rehearsal – information to-be-remembered is related to other information; deeper or more elaborate encoding activity; leads to high level of recall; sometimes, information can be broken into component parts and related to what one already knows

Strategies for encoding complex information:

Schema activation

› Instructional techniques designed to bring to mind students’ relevant knowledge prior to their encountering new information

› New knowledge is built on prior knowledge (bridging what they already know and what they want to know)

› KWL method

Guided Questioning

› Asking and answering questions about a text or teacher-presented information can greatly improve comprehension (hence, improve memorization and learning)

› Allows students to think about, discuss, compare and contrast, infer, evaluate, explain, justify, synthesize, etc.

› Guided peer questioning

Levels of Processing

› What learners DO as they encode new information matters a great deal!

› Memory/learning depends on depth of processing

  1. Deep processing= processing centered on meaning (e.g. read ‘something’ and talk to the class about it without referring to any material, in one’s own words, etc.)
  2. Shallow processing= keying on superficial aspects of new material (e.g. underline new words in the book, and look up for their meaning)


Chapter 4: Encoding Processes (Part I)


Encoding affects retention (storage) and retrieval of information from memory

Two kinds of learning:

  1. Simple – involves associating terms and acquiring them through rehearsal (e.g. memorizing grocery list, name of capital cities, etc.)
  2. Complex – involves understanding, reasoning, and critical thinking (e.g. digestive processes, chemical reactions, etc.)

*according to research in cognitive psychology, encoding is enhanced when we combine andthoughtfully use strategies to learn simple information (imagery, linking, mnemonics, etc.) with strategies to learn complex information (understanding, reasoning, problem-solving, attaching meaning, etc.)!

Encoding Simple Information

Two types of Rehearsal:

  1. Maintenance rehearsal – shallow encoding; direct recycling of information in order to keep it active in STM (verbal repetition); retention is limited in this kind of encoding; highly efficient for a short-while; e.g. taking down someone’s telephone number; seldom last longL
  2. Elaborative rehearsal – information to-be-remembered is related to other information; deeper or more elaborate encoding activity; leads to high level of recall; sometimes, information can be broken into component parts and related to what one already knows

* Different types of rehearsal are appropriate for different type of tasks

Q: Give examples of the type of tasks (in your own life) that would require you to use

– Maintenance rehearsal strategies

– Elaborative rehearsal strategies


Mediation – tying difficult-to-be-remember items to something more meaningful; results in deeper, more elaborate encoding than simple repetition of new content

Imagery – encoding using images/pictures (non-verbal); leads to better memory performance; easily imagined words (more concrete in nature, like ‘car’, ‘pencil’, etc.) tend to be remembered more readily than hard-to-imagine words (more abstract in nature, like ‘freedom’, ‘truth’, etc.); this activity can be extended to encode complex CONCEPTS too; consider individual differences among students in tier ability to image information; some students are better able to employ imagery than others and these differences seem to lead to differences in memory performance; best images (that enhance memory) are bizarre (vs. mundane), colorful, and strange.

The Peg Method – students memorize a series of ‘pegs’ on which to-be-learned information can be ‘hug’ one item at a time; e.g.

One for bun

Two for shoe

Three for tree

Four for door

Five for hive

Six for sticks

Seven for heaven

Eight for gate

Nine for pine

Ten for hen

Construct a visual image of the first thing on the to-be-learned list interacting with the object named in the first line of the rhyme

The Method of Loci – mentally walking through a ‘location’ (that one is extremely familiar with); each item (sofa, table, window, television, etc.) in the ‘location’ is linked to particular to-be-learned information

The Link Method – no need for a previously learned set of materials like the rhyme or ‘location’; used when learning list of things; student forms an image for each item in a list of things to be learned; each image is pictured as INTERACTIING with the next item on the list; all of the items are linked in imagination

Stories – stories can be constructed from a list of words to be remembered, the to-be-learned words in a list are put together in a story such that the to-be-learned words are highlighted; at recall, the story is remembered and the to-be-remembered words are plucked from the story

The First-Letter Method – using the first letters of to-be-learned words to construct acronyms or words

The Keyword Method – to facilitate vocabulary acquisition; used in connection with imagery; two stages (illustrated with an example of learning the word, ‘captivate’)

  1. Acoustic link – search for a ‘keyword’ within the to-be-learned word, let’s say ‘cap’
  2. Imagery link – link this keyword, ‘cap’ with an image (image from real-life connected to one’s experiences)

Copyright September 2006 by Dr. Edward Roy Krishnan,


Chapter 3: Long-Term Memory


Sensory Memory & Short-Term Memory Long-Term Memory
Recent experiences Memory traces developed over periods of days, weeks, months, & years
Things that are currently in consciousness Lifetime of information
Rehearsal / repetition are crucial Meaning & organization are crucial
Capacity & retention duration are limited Permanent repository (storehouse)

Recall = understanding information + retrieving LTM becomes particularly important if we believe that learning is a constructive process (creation & re-creation of new knowledge in the context of previously established and retrievable knowledge) – role of prior knowledge and experience – it’s like building a new house using whatever resources you already have (bricks, cement, tiles, planks, etc.).

Types of Knowledge:

  1. Declarative Knowledge = factual knowledge (knowing ‘what’)

› Semantic Knowledge = general knowledge – concepts and principles – meaning and understanding of meaning

› Episodic Knowledge = personal experiences – personally dated, autobiographical experiences – “personal tags” association recall

  1. Procedural Knowledge = process knowledge (knowing ‘how’)
  2. Conditional Knowledge = knowing ‘when’ and ‘why’ to use DK & PK (needed to help us use DK & PK in real-life settings – at the right time, in the right place, for the right purpose)
Explicit Memory Implicit Memory
› Involves conscious recall or recognition of previous experiences; intentional information retrieval; a conscious or voluntary search for information

› declarative memory

› Knowing information about a bike

› Knowledge without awareness; unintentional, non-conscious/unconscious form of retention; actions influenced by a previous event but without conscious awareness/remembering; e.g., using computers, tying shoes, driving a car (procedural knowledge, conditioning, habituation); behavior can be influenced by memory of past events even without conscious awareness (stereotypes & prejudice?)

› In fact, when a person tries to reflect on how these skills are being performed, performance often deteriorates

› Non-declarative memory

› Knowing the physical process of riding a bike


› We may know how to ride a bike, but it is very difficult to explain how to do so.

› If we believe in implicit memory or learning, it seems that people are unconsciously acquiring rules that they can use but NOT articulate.

› Overall, we are good at getting ‘the gist’ of things but falter on details!

The Building Blocks of Cognition (What make cognition possible?)

  1. Concepts
  2. Propositions
  3. Schemata
  4. Productions
  5. Scripts


1, 2, & 3 = ways of representing declarative knowledge

4 & 5 = ways of representing procedural knowledge


› Conceptual categories – everything we know can be placed under meaningful categories based on perceived similarities (examples vs. non-examples of a concept)

› Attributes = similarities or common features required to define a concept

› Defining attributes = features essential to defining a concept

› Learning a concept involves discovering the defining attributes and discovering the rule or rules that relate the attributes to one another – leads to the formation of hypotheses and the testing of the same by examining attributes and rules

› Role of culture? Categorizing abstract concepts?


› Consist of concepts

› The mental equivalent of statements or assertions (claims) about observed experiences and about the relationships among concepts

› Can be judged to be true or false

› Meanings emphasized rather than the exact form of information

› We retain meaning and not the surface structure of information (these are quickly lost)

› Propositions do not stand alone – connected with one another and may be embedded within one another

› A complex proposition is usually broken into simpler sentences (‘idea unit’) to enhance understanding of the meaning presented by the proposition

› Propositional networks = propositions sharing one or more elements are linked with one another (our ability to comprehend information and to use if effectively in cognitive operations such as problem-solving depends on the quality of networks we are able to create


› Mental frameworks that we use to organize knowledge

› Control the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information

› Data structures that represent knowledge stored in memory

› Fundamental to information processing

› Represent our knowledge about objects, events, sequences of events, actions, and sequences of actions

› When a fresh knowledge is acquired via accommodation (adding) or assimilation (changing and fitting into existing schemata), a new schema is said to be created

› Once a new schema is created, its traces serve as a basis of our re-collection – it is part of our long-term memory repository

› When schemata are not or cannot be activated during learning, new knowledge cannot be assimilated easily

› Memory consists of representations of knowledge, rather than exact copies of it…thus, encoding will vary according to the schemata activated at the time of encoding (learning). In this sense, recall is not simply remembering/recalling stored information…rather, it is re-creating information and events – memory is constructive and re-constructive in nature!

Productions (can be compared to propositions)

› ‘Condition-action’ rules – actions occur if the specified condition(s) exist

› If…then rules

› Memory for productions = implicit memory (conscious thought not involved)

› Automated skills

› Productions are organized in networks called ‘production systems’ – multiple productions may be active at a given time

› Example:

– Production A: If car is locked, then insert key in lock

– Production B: If key is inserted in lock, then turn key

– Production C: If door unlocks, then return the key to vertical

– Production D: If key is vertical, then withdraw key

Scripts (can be compared to schemata)

› Provide underlying mental frameworks for our procedural knowledge

› Schema representation for events

› Contain action sequences and subsequences + actors + objects + characteristics of the setting

› Accountable for stereotypical patterns of activity

Copyright September 2006 by Dr. Edward Roy Krishnan,


Biological Basis for Affective Teaching

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Emotional meaning enhances LTM consolidation. Emotional arousal is accompanied by heightened levels of epinephrine (adrenaline) and cortisol. Small-to-moderate levels of adrenaline & cortisol activate amygdala & hippocampus and enhance learning (amount learned and retained).

Emotional barriers – unfriendliness in the classroom – the incoming data (lessons taught and discussed) will be ignored and is gone for good …![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]