Problem-Solving (Chapter 8 – Part I)


Effective problem-solvers engage in the following steps…

  1. Identify the problem(awareness of the problem and the ability to define the problem concretely)

Possible difficulties to engage in this step?

  1. ‘Not in the habit’
  2. Lack background knowledge (affects awareness – e.g. Math problems)

iii. Do not spend TIME to reflect

Required disposition?

  1. Open-minded (not affected by first impression – react vs. respond)
  2. Engage in exploratory activities

iii.llow problem and solution to evolve (consider it an ongoing process)

  1. Divergent thinking
  2. Re-presenting the problem(helps in analyzing the problem)

› Abstraction

›  Visualization (graph, picture, story, etc.)

› Ability to think across events, experiences, and knowledge domains

› Goal state = “what you want to accomplish once the problem is solved?”

  1. Selecting an appropriate strategy
  2. trial-and-error = no strategic plan whatsoever
  3. means-ends analysis = sequence of steps identified, implemented, and evaluated individually
  4. formulate a goal state
  5. break down the problem into smaller sub-problems
  6. evaluate the success of one’s performance ateach step before proceeding to the next
  7. Implement the strategy

› success at this stage depends on success at stages 1-3

› strategy shifting = change strategies more often

› strengthened by previous experiences dealing with problem resolution

› quick solution vs. solution-after-analysis & understanding of the problem

  1. Evaluating solutions

› of product and then process

› opportunity to IMPROVE and do better in the future

› usefulness and applicability of a particular strategy checked


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